My favorite blend has a Perfume or Chemical taste! Is it bad?
My favorite blend has a Perfume or Chemical taste! Is it bad?
[Article: Steeping and Other Tips]Not all all! It just needs time to steep.ECBlend creates your blend at the time you order it. Our most popular blends are made in large batches and dispensed to an average of 1000+ bottles for a "small batch" and an average of 5000+ for larger batches, per each batch made. When a flavor needs additional steeping it may taste perfumey. This indicates the blend needs more time to steep.BURNT or PEPPERY Taste: Keep your clearomizers wet. Dry wicks and coils can give a burnt or peppery taste and lower the lifetime of your device.
A peppery taste is also a sign that the juice needs to steep longer, or you are getting a small amount of E-Liquid in your mouth from your clearomizer.PERFUMEY TASTE: Some flavors have a strong scent to them, this is usually eliminated with steeping. If the perfumey taste is still present after steeping, the e-liquid may need some extra steeping to 'breathe.' Remove the cap and dripper tip, store the E-Liquid in a cool dark place (Away from children and pets) for a couple of days. [Article: Steeping and Other Tips]
TESTING and QUALITYAll of our products are lab tested, each of our raw ingredients are also lab tested for purity and quality. Our nicotine is batch tested first by our nicotine provider, and then again by ECBlend on arrival. We take our quality very seriously and have a full team of quality control specialists that handle our products with the utmost care. ECBlend is a certified member of the American E-liquid Manufacturers Standards Association. As a member of AEMSA we are required to follow strict safety and quality protocols. Each of our manufacturing facilities are inspected onsite by a third-party inspector to document and verify we meet the criteria to be a certified member.